Monday, January 7, 2013

Pinterest Project

Man, oh man!!  
Has anyone else marveled at the creative inspiration to be found on Pinterest?

Talk about eye candy and a complete time vacuum!  I get sucked in and my afternoon is as good as gone!  I have created boards for posting decorating ideas, favorite travel spots, delicious recipes, art projects to enjoy with children, holiday traditions... the list goes on an on and on!

I absolutely LOVE this creation!  It's amazing to me that I can see a project of interest, click on the image and instantly have the "How-To" or "Where to Find" at my fingertips!  
Pure gold, I tell ya!
I wish I had a teaspoon more of tech savvy and that I had created Pinterest.
Okay, maybe I'd need a gallon, plus a quarter cup more.

I recently repinned a post onto my Delightful Decorating board.
I have been a huge fan of woodwork and trim work for awhile and saw this easy and relatively quick transformation of a standard door trim to something more substantial.  Those of you who follow my blog know that I have a wonderfully supportive and talented husband who obliges my creative whims.

I caught him in a good mood, with plans in hand and after a quick run to Home Depot:

Gregg began installing two pieces of wood trim 
(an 8-inch flat piece, topped with another smaller piece of trim).  
He caulked the lines where the wood trim butted against other wood trim 
and I followed with a fresh coat of white paint.
I love the bolder statement of the woodwork! 
Though many (okay, too many) projects end up being more complicated and taking longer than planned, this one went off without a hitch. Gregg was surprised at how quickly it came together. 

He even agreed that we repeat the process over our kitchen window and pantry door. 

Thank you, Gregg!  I was so thrilled that I just had to share!
It's so exciting to me when a project finishes problem-free and both Gregg and I are left smiling and stress-free.

I'd love to hear about Pinterest projects you've tried and loved! 

Love, Live and Create Intentionally,

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Now if you could just loan Gregg out to the rest of us ...
