Friday, October 12, 2012

Let There be Light

I love saturated color.  
It's vibrancy feels alive and full of energy.
Happy beach art, Key West cottages, South American tapestries...
They are all celebrations of life and color!

When we first were settling in our current home,
I chose to have all the walls painted a warm toasty wheat color.
Four years later, I still like the color
but am inspired to have a few brighter, "Isles of refuge" from the constant canvas of gold.

After perusing Pinterest for an embarrassingly long time (my guilty pleasure),
I found several images of white, bright woodworked walls.
Those who follow my blog regularly know what comes next...
A shout-out to my adorable hubby for help with the parts that require power tools.

I walked him through our living room and explained
that although there were many colors in the room,
the colors were all the same shade and made the room feel dark and depressing.
I was inspired and needed his help...

I wanted the wall behind the sofa to become an anchor wall with texture.
I painted the wall a creamy white, then explained my plan to Gregg.
I wanted to create a grid of woodwork the would lift artwork slightly
and that would cast light shadows on the bright wall.

Gregg used his mad carpentry skills and got started:

I enjoyed the view :)
Have I mentioned how much I love this guy?

This is Gregg's finished work.
The wall was ready for lots and lots and lots of caulking,
and a final coat of paint over the new woodwork.

And, here's the brightened room with our new piece of artwork!
(I LOVE printmaking as an art... but that's a blog entry for another day)

Light and bright and airy!  A nice change from the dark entry.

Really loving our new room.
Let there be LIGHT!

Love, live and create intentionally,

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